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Songs of Sustainability

I was invited to write a piece for this workshop and concert held at Hallé St. Peters in July 2022, organised by Richard Whally and John McAuliffe, Manchester University.

Te read about the project go to
To watch an introductory video go to: Songs of Sustainability - introducing the project - YouTube
(go to the Video Score tab to view this short introductory film).

The programme included:

New work based on Greek myth of 'Erysichthon'
- music by Richard Whalley, text by John McAuliffe

Walking Dwelling Thinking
- music by Amy Crankshaw, poetry by Rebecca Hurst

- music by Simon Davies, poetry by Frances Leviston

Stones and Sweeper
- music by Finn McLean, poetry by Chad Campbell

Wind in Trees
- music by Jasmine Simons, poetry by Vona Groarke

Performed by:
Simon Grange - Bass
Louise Wayman - Soprano
Petr Prause - Cello
Richard Whalley - Piano

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